April 6, 2010

A Proposal application result

The results for the  proposal application I mentioned  here  ,
are now in.

[this line spacing is meant to create suspense ]

I thought I'd announce the result in a similar fashion to this proposal    from last year ,
i.e   a photo of me  with either a happy face or a sad face.

[this line spacing is supposed to be  creating even more suspense ]

I've had many internal debates with my inner voices about posting this photo.
amongst other things our Primary concern is .....
Does it tell you what I want it to tell you ?

[this line spacing is particularly wide in order  to create the most suspense ever ]

We've  decided on posting....
after all , I think it's only proper I show you the other half of the coat.

 Elaine Prunty : Portrait as a very happy person

Details will follow .

My photo
Dublin, Ireland
I am a Glass Artist, Surface-decorator, Designer, Sculptor and maker of all sorts of other things. This blog is where I document my work in progress
All images are property of Elaine Prunty aka Jaboopee
All my work is original , and unless otherwise stated
all the images are taken by me.
If asked, I will be happy to permit use of my images ,
provided full accreditation is given.